Identity Evropa
This week has witnessed the most unprecedented attack on the free speech of American citizens by anti-White corporate and political interests in history.
Within a 24 hour period, more than half a dozen platforms notified us that they were terminating our accounts with little to no reason given.
Many other pro-White organizations are undergoing a similar platform denial.
Although some may argue that these corporations are within their legal right to deny us service, that which is legal is not always moral, and legality
was never an obstacle for the left during the civil rights movement.
Corporate censorship of those who refuse to bow to the anti-White political narrative is THE civil rights issue of our time.
By collectively denying organizations like ours service, these corporations can arbitrarily act as the gatekeepers of all public discourse.
They have abused their power long enough. The public squares and town halls of old have been replaced by the modern social media giants.
It's time that we as a nation recognize their power and regulate them accordingly.